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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/19/2024 12:20 PM
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LurkerMom: Sorry, these RINOs don’t cut any ice, but Union democrats do..

First, from your link: The union has not released the number of poll participants or the margin of error.

Second, since you're so delighted unions matter in the election, a whole host of joint councils and local unions, including the Long Island chapter, have endorsed Harris, the only candidate that worked with the Teamsters and other union workers to pass the Butch Lewis Act which has saved the pensions of over a million retirees.

The president of Teamsters Joint Council 39 in Wisconsin, your state, said his local is endorsing Harris.

Michigan’s Joint Council 43 endorsed Harris: “Both Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz have consistently demonstrated their dedication to championing the labor movement, safeguarding social security, and ensuring access to qualify healthcare for All Americans, including women’s reproductive rights.”

Joint Councils 7 and 42, representing 300,000 Teamsters across California, Nevada, Hawaii, and Guam backed Harris and Walz.

Teamsters President Sean O’Brien is just having a hissy fit because he spoke at the RNC but democrats preferred to have rank-and-file Teamsters whose pensions were saved by the Biden-Harris administration speak rather than him.

Other local unions will endorse Harris as well.

And O'Brien will be voted out in the next election.
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