No. of Recommendations: 1
I just rewatched Pat Buchanan's 1992 "Culture War" speech - to this day 1992 is my favorite election in that I've read 2000+ pages on it, seen the debates and know them by heart and I was so passionate for Perot back then - even voted illegally at age 17 :)
Anyhow, I'm not Sheeple where "waaa waaa he's racist! Disqualify!" - I'm not not judge and juror, nor am I riddled with racial issues in me that I must project on everyone else from my non-diverse enclave and my totally non diverse bubble. I don't need 100% purity - heck I'll settle for 1% purity -- as a non Sheeple not in a bubble, not owned by slave masters it's a luxury I have.
Man what a speech. From the heart. The Delivery. Some parts were too strong where the Bush campaign wasn't thrilled.
But, the very issues Buchanan spoke of were the same issues and peoples that NeoCons, Liberals, and their Sheeple slave ignored, dismissed, ostracized and ridiculed.
And now, one of the myriad of punishments they got - is MAGA and Trump - - - all around the world.
Have fun working that one out :)
Contemplate that now, your "best case" is a 51% win over them :)
What a marvelous speech. Had the Google Jockey Republicans and the NeoCons and Liberals given *some* mind to it - things would be better right now.
The only good part that came out of you not listening - is that things are much worse and this - is with a good employment picture.
Just wait till that isn't the case.
I sort of know what to suggest the disenfranchised to pursue as a hobby.