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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Brickeye   😊 😞
Number: of 12535 
Subject: Re: OT, out
Date: 03/17/2025 11:02 PM
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God this thread makes me sad! It also sums up all my fears about the investing environment in the US. Why would anyone want to invest in the US? Our president has literally started an unprovoked economic war with our dear brothers to the north and our long standing European allies in Europe. The knock on effect of all this damage is going to be huge because this is the second time the world is going through it except this time and there is no one there to help blunt it. And politics schmolitics! I don't want to hear the usual "take it to the politics board". This is beyond politics and very much exemplifies what people think of the US right now. It's a problem for anyone that is living off investments. Black is white and up is down. Canada is our enemy and Russia's our best friend. At some point people need to wake up!!

Jim mentioned the "flooding of the zone". The bigger flooding of the zone is that social media along with the right wing media complex has confused Americans to the point where they can no longer effectively think critically for themselves without defaulting to their home team. The constant demonizing has taken root and the American right thinks it's enemy is from within and not in the traditional places where anti democratic regimes were our traditional enemies. Until the fevered pitch is broken it is just going to continue to get worse. The only thing I know for certain right now is that it will all end badly. It always does! How much damage is done and how long it will take I have no idea but I have no doubt this ending in catastrophe.
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