No. of Recommendations: 13
I just assume the group is doing very well, and therein lies one of the great values to me. I particularly enjoy some of the OT discussion, as it allows a topic to be discussed among a group that I respect and share many similar values and concerns. My local circle of friends may not be the best place to discuss the pros and cons of a second home in the south of France (and what wine to sip there!), or the morality of tax rates. Thanks to Manlobbi and all the posters who keep this place so civil and informative.
As far as my net worth, it is not atypical, and I recently got my cash/investment ratios to a level with which I'm comfortable. I added everything up, and realized the ratio is very close to the exact ratio that BRK currently maintains. One can debate if that is wise or not, but it is probably no coincidence and my comfort level was surely influenced by the sage opinions of this group.