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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Gov. Puppy Killer on the radio
Date: 03/15/2025 11:31 PM
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Trump will get his money soon to process everyone out, and hopefully give them the required due process. The emergency at the bprder was to bring down troops, which per my brother are 1500 plus another 4000. Maybe they are using the emergency to eliminate asylum -Amnesty Intl says there is no asylum at the border - but I know of no EO or any other communication that does that. And I'm puzzled how you would deal with that if it is happening without a directive. So I'm hoping I missed something and/or someone will file a suit if that's happening.

I think the tough self deport message is because Trump doesn't have the money to deport anyone. Trump will gut the government and appropriate money for deportations. What a mess we are in.
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