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Author: UpNorthJoe   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: An Early Test of Trump's Presidenting Ability
Date: 01/07/2025 11:30 AM
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"He seems to be turning (or at least attempting to turn) the federal government into something much like a 'closely held family-owned corporate organization'. An autocracy."

I'm not a poly-sci scholar ( lol, that's an understatement ), but from what I've read over the years, Congress critters have 1 main goal: Get Reelected. I have to believe that at least a few of them wearing MAGA proudly across their chest realize that some of Trump's policies that he wants put into law will lead to some disgruntled voters on the MAGA side as well the Left. This will not help them with getting Reelected ( excluding the gerrymandered locks ). So behind the scenes, there might be a whole lot of push back on Trump's "vision".
And wouldn't 1 gigantic bill lead to more governmental opaqueness, not transparency ? Seems
like more opaqueness helps the swamp creatures thrive. So I guess swamp won't be draining, lol.

Also from my readings, Trump was a POS businessman. If Big Daddy Fred hadn't continually
bailed him out, he would have been a failed and disgraced businessman. The main thing he is/was
good at is licensing his name. And role playing a hard-ass on The Apprentice. I don't think
either of those skills are going to benefit America from his perch as President.
So hopefully he fails on Albaby's first Presidential test.
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