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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Uwharrie   😊 😞
Number: of 12538 
Subject: Re: SVB bailout
Date: 03/15/2023 11:40 AM
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Am in agreement with Goofyhoofy. Methinks Griffin was commenting from his hedge fund perspective much like Warren's remarks in 2020 when all the stimulus money was suddenly on the scene. Griffin and Buffett both were in a position to capitalize on the evolving situation and were thwarted by government moves. I, too, am glad the bank run contagion was halted (we think) as it had dire consequences on business activities should a cascading effect occur primarily through fear and trust issues suddenly slowing economic activity across the spectrum.

An interesting viewpoint I came across last night is with this bank funding "stopper" is that this enables the Fed to keep raising interest rates as they trundle towards the goal of stopping inflation while not breaking the banks.
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