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Author: EchotaSheeple   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Obama sitting next to Trump at the Carter Funeral!
Date: 01/09/2025 1:14 PM
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Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

Because for President Carter, I think he actually believed in those things, or least towards that direction.

I feel President Carter wasn't for "no religion" - he was religious. Deeply. BUT he wasn't "noun, verb, rapture". He wasn't "go to church 1 day a week, spend 6 days hating the human race"

There's a difference.

He was religious. But not for "kill a bunch of putzes in France and get 72 virgins. And Jews are pigs too"

And then - there's the "I slam religion when it's Christianity - baaaaaaa---- but when Sheeple scouts blow something up I'll cite gun violence statistics and wipe my butt with substaCk "

What God merchants of ALL faiths have always done is use what they claim to be the Word of God to get the masses to follow them and pay them. Currently it's the Religion of Peace doing the fun stuff. And it's Christianity doing it thru the courts and politicians.

Who is the odd man out? YOU PEOPLE -- - I love it.
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