No. of Recommendations: 17
Electoral College vs turning the USA into one giant "Safe-District"If you call one-person one-vote (aka pure democracy) one giant “Safe-District” then I agree. Safe for America.
gerrymandering - agree, hate it, both sides do itHere’s one list of the 10 worst gerrymandering by states. 1, Maryland, favors the Democrats. The other 9 favor Republicans. Sure, both sides do it but one side does MUCH more. suppression - identifying yourself is not voter suppressionFrom the Brennan Center for Justice§§:
The modern approach to voter suppression can often be characterized as death by a thousand cuts — seemingly minor rules about issues like voter ID, mail voting, resource allocation at polling places, and voter roll maintenance can add up to create significant burdens, particularly on communities of color. don’t pretend these rules are put in place because of threats to legitimate voting (which has yet to be proven to even exist in any meaningful way). They are designed to place undue burden on people with the fewest resources, repressing their votes.
etc - the most heinous of allIf you’re referring to the 147 Republicans who voted to overturn a free and fair election because they didn’t like the outcome that American voters chose, then I totally agree that it was heinous. They were traitors to our democracy.