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Author: Carpian   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: I'm surprised the Market is taking this so we
Date: 11/07/2024 5:11 PM
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Why? Are renewed inflation, massive tariffs, and higher consumer prices not a concern?

Those concerns are showing up in the bond market.


The bond market is sending a warning in the wake of Donald Trump’s election victory on Tuesday. Investors may have been looking ahead to lower interest rates now that the Federal Reserve has started cutting. No more. The new message yields are sending: We’re heading back to a higher-for-longer world of interest rates.

The question is just how high.

Trump’s victory combined with a Republican takeover of the Senate and potential continued majority in the House makes it likely that many of the former president’s campaign promises to maintain tax cuts and impose blanket tariffs could become a reality. That means higher deficits and inflation.

Or look at a stock like Dollar General (DG), which sells a lot of imported goods to "budget-conscious individual or family, often residing in rural or suburban areas". Unlike Elon's TSLA, DG took a hit yesterday. Kinda ironic, isn't it?
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