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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) ❤
No. of Recommendations: 1
From the letter, page 8:
our future CEOs will have a significant part of their net worth in Berkshire shares, bought with their own money.
I was surprised that Greg sold back his shares in BHE (presumably paying significant taxes) and then purchased shares in the open market. Rather than, say, 80% in a non-tax conversion, 20% in cash.
I figure he received the bulk of his Mid-American/BHE shares in some kind of compensation scheme back when it was a start-up - not "with his own money".
No. of Recommendations: 13
I was surprised that Greg sold back his shares in BHE (presumably paying significant taxes) and then purchased shares in the open market. Rather than, say, 80% in a non-tax conversion, 20% in cash.
I figure he received the bulk of his Mid-American/BHE shares in some kind of compensation scheme back when it was a start-up - not "with his own money".
Well, if that's the sequence of events, then he had cash in hand immediately prior to buying the Berkshire shares.
Sounds like "his own money" to me.
No. of Recommendations: 4
Well, if that's the sequence of events, then he had cash in hand immediately prior to buying the Berkshire shares.
Sounds like "his own money" to me.
Exactly. Did Greg pay tens of millions in taxes, so there would be no ambiguity about the nature of his ownership, vs his compensation?
Seems an expensive way to signal virtue... might be quite reassuring, if Greg is willing to follow Warren in taking the high road.