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Author: MisterFungi 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41582 
Subject: Re: TRUMP: MSG was a Love Fest
Date: 10/29/2024 6:25 PM
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In marked contrast to the hatred and darkness on display at the MSG rally, the Harris-Walz rally I attended yesterday evening in Ann Arbor was truly a festival of hope and joy. Not only that, but at 21,000 people packed into our neighborhood park, it was larger than the MSG rally. And it started on time and ended on time.

Also in contrast to many Trump rallies, we had first-rate live music (Maggie Rogers, she's terrific) instead of Village People recordings. And the sound system worked perfectly--no need to sway to Ave Maria for half an hour. (Hey, if you can't even be trusted to hold a decent rally, why should you be trusted with America?)

I confess to feeling sorry for the Trumpys. There's no joy in their lives. It's all grievance, all hatred, all the time.

We got this.

Watch our rally here. Judge for yourselves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wEv5rxXI5U
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