No. of Recommendations: 5
I am waiting for a or rather THE crash to happen since a looong time now, thinking it's quite overdue. Thanks to Berkshire being my core holding I participated on what was going on the last years, otherwise I would have stayed out.
But with the newest developments I am even tempted to reduce my Berkshire holdings a little as I am convinced --- as wrongly several times before --- "the end is nigh" and even closer than before. After all those bull years I last year and this year I am seeing increasing nervousness and volatility in the market, lately mirrored in a S&P chart which looks as eventually gettin that rounded top many here did speak of as the visual change from bull to bear.
All that's needed is a catalyst, an event which gives the masses an excuse to take their profits and run - and a guy with a strange hairdo might provide just that. Bursting bubbles are not nice, wounding many people, really injuring the weak ones. As more as bigger the bubble became. So maybe Trump in the end is doing everybody a favour by providing that catalyst which will let the bubble burst (As before I will probably be wrong this time too).
Berkshire is high, the dollar is high. So maybe it's time to reduce my core holding a little and to convert the $ proceeds into €. The only thing stopping me is that my cash % already is as high as never before and if proceeds from selling Berkshire would be converted in €, those € would earn practically nothing. Maybe buying a proper house instead of living in my tiny shed would be the best usage.