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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Captkerosene   😊 😞
Number: of 12538 
Subject: Re: So 9 years later
Date: 09/03/2024 10:49 AM
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This industry is going to get disrupted. Even paying ten times earnings is too much. Home delivery costs will soon start trending towards zero. The market these stores are serving is putting products into people's refrigerators or bathrooms ... not making them available for consumption in the stores. Better to take orders verbally or on the computer and then dispatch a delivery bot from the warehouse directly to the customer's home and stock their shelves than make the customer get "presentable", drive to a retail store, park their car, walk into the store, find the product, go through checkout, get back to their car, drive home and then put the TP on their own shelves. "Real world" AI is why NVDA is worth 3T.
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