When reading a post with a keyboard, you can type the keys , and . to move backwards and forward between posts! You can also press 'return' to read through posts one at a time. There's freedom in Shrewd'm!
- Manlobbi
Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) ❤
No. of Recommendations: 90
Hello, my name is Jim.
I'm a postaholic.
It has been 83 days since my last post.
No. of Recommendations: 5
This just looks like the olad boards, love it! I really missed the old board and conversation.
No. of Recommendations: 5
Hi Jim,
It's a pleasure to hear again from you!
No. of Recommendations: 1
Holy Cow (as we say in the U.S.), you did it!
Thank you!
Just wondering if the ability to post graphics is a contemplated feature?
No. of Recommendations: 2
Beautifully done Manlobbi, thank you for all your work to bring back these boards!
And welcome back Jim! Your wisdom has been greatly missed!
No. of Recommendations: 1
Hope you had a good rest in that eternity (83 days) so that the alcoholic, sorry, postaholic can slowly resurface.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Thank you, Manlobbi!
Wow, a post from Jim. Music to my ears (eyes?).
No. of Recommendations: 3
Thank you, Manlobbi, for creating this new board!
And thank you, Jim, for joining.
No. of Recommendations: 23
And thank you, Jim, for joining.
I am come, but it's not as if it was really necessary.
'Buy a lot of BRK stock'.
See...now I never need to post again, that's basically all I ever said anyway.
No. of Recommendations: 0
So great to see a board like this come back to life!
I have learned a great deal from so many of these familiar names and appreciate everyones contributions.
Special thanks to Manlobbi for giving this new life, and to Jim for all you have shared in the past.
All the best,
No. of Recommendations: 0
and kmx
No. of Recommendations: 1
Wow! Thank you Manlobbi! I was a confirmed lurker of the old BRK board and was very sad to see it disperse. Seeing it and many other boards revived is a Holiday gift!
No. of Recommendations: 4
Like many here Jim, reading your posts on Berkshire and asking questions I hoped you would answer was something I enjoyed for a long time. When that stopped, it was a real loss. If you do decide to share your thoughts occasionally, I for one will be reading with interest. Feels good to see your posts again.
I hope you are doing well and have enjoyed out performing the indices this year with Berkshire and the dollar strength.
No. of Recommendations: 1
Thank you Manlobbi! It feels good to be home again! I suspect the MF Berkshire board will slowly become irrelevant and die off as word spreads.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Thank you, Manlobbi, for putting this together. And a big thank you in advance to Jim and the many others who make me so much smarter than I am.
Three months ago, my financial intelligence plummeted but today it has soared back to its previous levels. It's a mystery.
No. of Recommendations: 13
Hooray! And, thank you!
Having the return of this format AND Jim's return are the second and third best things to happen to me this month...and it was already a pretty dnaged good month
Jim: I've been refreshing the mungofitch.com tab on my browser a couple of times weekly for, uh, I guess 83 days now. Guess I can close the tab now?
Manlobbi: you're officially my favorite Shrew
No. of Recommendations: 0
<Jim: I've been refreshing the mungofitch.com tab on my browser a couple of times weekly for, uh, I guess 83 days now.>
LOL, Same here!
No. of Recommendations: 11
I've been refreshing the mungofitch.com tab on my browser a couple of times weekly for, uh, I guess 83 days now. Guess I can close the tab now?
Well, I actually started to set it up so RSS would in theory work some day, to avoid that task.
Obviously nobody uses RSS any more, but it was a nice thought, right?
I don't know where or when I'll post.
It might in fact be at mungofitch.com sometimes. I might feel the urge to say something non-financial or non-moderated. I might use the word 'poop'.
But it's moot at the moment. Real life has been making itself known lately. Too busy.
Plus, at the moment, influenza. A nice precocious H3N2 with notes of blackberry and oak, if I had to guess.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Obviously nobody uses RSS any more, but it was a nice thought, right?
I still use RSS! My RSS feed is how I get instant notification in a centralized place of any new SEC filings by the companies I follow. Such a time saver, and you are more likely to be among the first to read the filing. Would love to add Mungofitch.com to the feed!
No. of Recommendations: 1
Jim: Obviously nobody uses RSS any more
That's how I get my daily news.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Thank you Manlobbi! Miracles do/did happen!
Manlobbi, Jim, et al, I look forward to continuing to learn from you, in all the various ways you all teach.
This board is so beautiful to behold!
Thank you again, Manlobbi.
No. of Recommendations: 1
Hooray! And, thank you!
Having the return of this format AND Jim's return are the second and third best things to happen to me this month...and it was already a pretty dnaged good month
Better than a Santa rally, ehh? :-)
No. of Recommendations: 1
<<Miracles do/did happen!
This board is so beautiful to behold!>>
What a poetic sense you have, thank you. You are a true Shrewd and thank you again for everyone else's warmth.
I received many 'How is this possible?' perplexed questions, but the most hilarious email that I got today contained only two lines:
Q: Is this Heaven?
A: It's Shrewdom!
- Manlobbi
No. of Recommendations: 2
<< 'Buy a lot of BRK stock'.
See...now I never need to post again, that's basically all I ever said anyway >>
In addition, I appreciated your thoughts on QQQE, which offered a useful
alternative to other index funds.
No. of Recommendations: 2
It's a Christmas miracle!
Welcome back to Jim and thanks to Manlobbi for the boards!
No. of Recommendations: 12
What an unbelievable gift. I'm so grateful to both of you two, Maniobbi and Mungofitch.
Thank you
No. of Recommendations: 3
Thanks, Manlobbi for giving us such a nice board to read.
No. of Recommendations: 9
Thanks very much for putting this board together, Manlobbi. It'll probably be the best Christmas gift that I get this year.
No. of Recommendations: 1
Thanks very much for putting this board together, Manlobbi. It'll probably be the best Christmas gift that I get this year. o
Shrewd on!
- Manlobbi
No. of Recommendations: 1
Great job!
No. of Recommendations: 3
Thank you Manlobbi for your wonderful gift that will keep on giving! We are quite grateful!
No. of Recommendations: 17
Thank you Manlobbi for your wonderful gift that will keep on giving!
Thank you, as well as to all others, who have expressed their warmth. I am grateful that all was possible and that I can see many companions together again. It was my huge wish.
I compose music with similar will - it is a sense of providing culture far (and never certainly but at least possibly far, far) into future. This community exudes culture but needed a (healthy) river to flow within, to survive. The river is here is stay, I promise.
- Manlobbi
No. of Recommendations: 1
I'd like to add my gratitude to Manlobbi and Jim. It feels like New Year's Eve already!
No. of Recommendations: 3
What a great surprise this site is!
Big thank you to any and all who contributed to its creation.
No. of Recommendations: 6
Hello, everybody!
Great to see the Fool Berkshire board resurrected in such dramatic manner.
Thanks, again Manlobbi. Awesome work!
No. of Recommendations: 2
Hello, everyone!
I just found out that the party has started here again.
Thanks again Manlobbi for the setup.
No. of Recommendations: 8
Thank you Manlobbi for putting together this site. As others have noted, servers are not free so please let us know how we can support this site.
Thanks to everyone for being here. I've missed this community.
No. of Recommendations: 5
Old Berkshire board is back and Jim is also back?
I had been on a tropical vacation for 10 days and just came back. Clearly this cannot be true and it is just a dream.
Thank you Manlobbi and Jim! A thank you cannot even begin to convey the gratitude I feel for both of your efforts.
No. of Recommendations: 3
This is the best Christmas gift ever!
No. of Recommendations: 6
Wow! I was a lurker for years on the old BRK board and a friend just told me about this board. Thank you to Manlobbi. This is great!
No. of Recommendations: 7
<<.. a friend just told me about this board. Thank you to Manlobbi.>>
Thank you for your words, but also thank you to your friend!
Very few are perhaps aware of how many people are in your situation - unable to find these boards unless someone tells them directly or posts the url somewhere for them to see.
When we are here ourselves it is easy to just assume anyone else can who formerly posted at TMF can be here also, if they want to. But many don't know Shrewdm.com even exists.
Unlike the TMF boards which were heavily promoted constantly, there is no promotion of Shrewdw.com other than by the readers/authors themselves sending urls to friends.
To solve this:
1. When everyone has a moment, search your emails without date range using "Fool Boards Reply".
2. Add to this, friends physically around you who also used TMF, but you can't see here.
3. Send a url of Shrewd.com to them IF you cannot see them here. It is possible that without you, some of these people using the former TMF boards (but without any interest to visit discussion.fool having taken a brief look) would otherwise never find the community again.
To others reading: howief1956 is now here only because someone applied either 1 or 2 above, and for some people the discovery is very important for them.
- Manlobbi