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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Said   😊 😞
Number: of 12535 
Subject: Re: Life planning & the Market/Berkshire
Date: 08/02/2024 11:21 AM
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If you're just trying for a profitable trade there is no big reason to have the puts against the same ticker as your long position.

My reason for that is simple: You!
Your discovery of the quite reliable relatively narrow Price/Peak BV band in which Berkshire trades.
During the last years that led me to do several big option trades on Berkshire which all worked out, contrary to the rest of my option trading which was all over the place, in summary just a little positive, after taxes not really worth the while.

Bear markets do end. The key is to own things that aren't particularly overvalued, so when the bear market ends the price comes all the way back (and even more), which Berkshire should be good at.

Apart from Berkshire I have no other stocks any more.
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