No. of Recommendations: 3
Alas, he is wrong.
There appears to be a solid 30% MAGA-heads who are racist xenophobes who will do whatever the convict tells them (i.e. a cult). The other 20% is some combination of "won't vote Dem no matter what", people naively buying into the "open borders" and "illegals voting" nonsense, think that they are worse off than 4 years ago, think that the world is worse than 4 years ago (and it's Biden's fault), and perhaps some others. Those latter are earnest people with a not-despicable perspective**.
Which is why this race is a lot closer than it should be. It should be a blowout for Harris, but it isn't. Barring some major news, it is going to be really close. Per fivethirtyeight, Harris seems to have a small lead. But it isn't much more than statistical error would be.
**I met one in the grocery store the other day. Wasn't fazed that 1poorlady was clearly Asian, wore a LARGE "Trump" button, and for some reason implored me to "save America for our children". 1poorlady stopped me from replying "that's why I'm voting Harris" by interjecting some pleasantries. She was a nice old lady, clearly addled by right-wing media. I'm sure I've encountered many more that weren't so overt.