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Author: Lambo   😊 😞
Number: of 42586 
Subject: Re: Georgia election board
Date: 09/22/2024 1:24 AM
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Suppose it is stipulated that any of the generalized post election record reviews will only be used to fine tune procedures for the next election and cannot be used to challenge this years results.

The history shows it won't fine tune anything, and the states may not want to pay for it. If you're willing to pay for everything - for the building/rooms used for it, the salaries of the people watching you, not to mention go to jail if you pull anything, etc. Why should I have to pay for the Republican party's election stunts? These procedures are constantly refined by states because we've had problems before. The same people who spend energy suppressing votes, creating distrust of the elections for political purposes are going to lie about any audit too.

The primary sentiment is the election records are not the private property of the custodians of that data and the records

Election records are state property not private property, and it's the state that reviews it. Nobody's fooled, the purpose of your proposed review is partisan hackery and if it doesn't let you grandstand on imaginary election flaws you'll reconsider the use of the money and drop it fast.
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