No. of Recommendations: 11
Do we sell OXY to buy XOM? What about CVX?
I'm not now trying to answer that question - particularly in my original post. I simply asked if BRK should consider XOM as an investment instead of cash. I didn't say it would solve the issue of what to do with all the cash. I just said it could be part of the solution.
It is one of the few places that could soak up tens of billions of dollars. And implied that it might be undervalued. M*, IIRC, estimated an target price might be $135. I added that waiting, even now, might still be the best strategy. Addressing alternate investments in the O&G industry would have required another, also very long, post.
Somehow, after a few related comments, the original question was hijacked into a discussion of EV vehicles. I don't mind - actually I'm very pleased that it ended up motivating good discussion. I'd like to see more.
I even intend to join in with the EV conversation. I have some opinions that many may not agree with. Some might. But not tonight. Other, bigger family health insurance issues, have popped up that are more important to deal with.
But I'll soon share these thoughts. And I won't even change the title line to reflect that I'm now talking about EVs.
Why break a good, active,discussion? I doubt it's a record length thread anyway.