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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: sano   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: 80 Years Ago Today
Date: 01/25/2025 5:52 PM
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Example - as he explained to the WEC - Make your products in the USA and you will receive the lowest corporate tax in the world (probably an exaggeration as there is some inconsequential government somewhere that has a lower tax rate.) Or make them elsewhere and pay a tariff for access to the greatest market available

Low tax benefits the company that will still charge whatever the market will bear. If the imported gizmo goes from $10 to 12.50 because of tariffs, the american company will charge 12.50 for its gizmo.

The only exception is to price competition out of the market. The perhaps a slighlty lower price until the competition is out of the market. Then price goes up even higher.

It's called predatory capitalism.

And there ain't gonna be no more pansy-assed consumer protection or inspector generals. Them's for commies/socialists/liberal&progressive losers.

Survival of the corruptest, baby.
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