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Author: MisterFungi 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41593 
Subject: Re: Georgia election board
Date: 09/22/2024 9:10 PM
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<<I am by no means an election denier. Trump lost fair and square.>>

Good to know. Thank you.

I stand by my main point, which is that there are already in place many safeguards to catch and prevent miscounts or deliberate fraud. Voting records are confidential information and ought not be available to any Tom, Dick, or Harry who wants access to them. Outside observers already can be present to monitor the processes.

As has been amply documented, the MAGAs did not act in good faith in 2020 when they challenged state election outcomes. They lied, conspired to overturn a valid election through illegal means, used threats and violence against state and local election officials, and plotted and fomented the last-ditch Jan. 6 insurrection. They are already taking action to subvert the electoral process this year. I'm suspicious of anyone who attempts to excuse or normalize such deplorable, anti-American behavior.
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