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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 42586 
Subject: Re: The second American revolution
Date: 02/25/2025 7:11 PM
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You suggest that this has been a problem that you have personally endured? Or your family? Friends? - Bill


I will grant you it is rare, but if you are one of victimized girls or their parent, the issue is very real to you. There are lots of examples if you care to do an internet search. Here is one to get you started.


A Sex Offender Was Allowed to Enter Women’s Locker Rooms in VA.

A Tier III registered child sex offender visited two schools and two county-owned recreation and fitness centers in the Northern Virginia region late last year, according to WJLA.

The sex offender, Richard Kenneth Cox, 58, was charged for allegedly exposing himself to women and girls in a female locker room at Washington Liberty High School in September.

A mother in Arlington, Virginia told the outlet that Cox “exposed his fully naked body in front of her and her 9-year-old daughter” after swimming lessons for children.

"We walked into seeing a man changing in the girls locker room," the mother told the outlet. "Completely naked facing the doorway.

I just watched another report, no link yet, where a boy, his best showing in the boys division was fifth place, but after claiming to be a girl, he won first place in a girls competition. A track and field coach provided perspective by comparing the record heights of the boys and the girls divisions. He said the difference is four feet between the men's and women's records. Your daughter doesn't have a chance if she is forced to compete with one of these men, let along having to share a locker room with an intact male.

It simply astounds me how anyone could be for allowing this travesty to continue.
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