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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Sane-Washing Trump Incoherence
Date: 09/10/2024 5:40 PM
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Let's suppose Charles Manson was alive, running for office, and said everything you wanted to hear. Would you vote for him? I wouldn't, even if he was in favor of universal healthcare, a minimum basic income, a hard-line for China and Iran and DPRK and Putin, etc. I still wouldn't vote for him.

Yes, Manson is an extreme example, but I'm sure you get my point. You cross a red line, I don't vote for you.

The key to remember is that many Republican voters will regard any Democrat that could possibly win the GOP nomination the same way that you regard Charles Manson. That many standard Democratic positions (pro-choice, pro-trans rights, gun control) are morally indefensible to them, even if they are morally indefensible in a different way than Manson's murders are.

There are plenty of Democrats who feel the same way about any Republican candidate who could win the nomination as well.

That's what enables many (most?) Trump supporters to view his elections as contests between two Charles Mansons....and gives them the ability to vote for the Manson that has the policies they prefer.
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