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Author: Said   😊 😞
Number: of 577 
Subject: Tupperware
Date: 03/09/2023 3:53 PM
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How are the chances of them surviving?
Any insights?
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Author: Jimkredux   😊 😞
Number: of 577 
Subject: Re: Tupperware
Date: 03/09/2023 5:16 PM
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I would dig into their debt stack and consider what happens when they need to refinance existing debt. They appear to be in the midst of a sales crisis,with one hundred fifty days of inventory in stock and lower sales year over year. If they survive, it will be dependent on liberal bankers and an acceleration in sales. FYI,
did not look closely,just a couple of thoughts to investigate.
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Author: Said   😊 😞
Number: of 577 
Subject: Re: Tupperware
Date: 03/10/2023 2:28 PM
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If they survive, it will be dependent on liberal bankers and an acceleration in sales.
...just a couple of thoughts to investigate.

Thanks for them!

1-2 years ago I did successfully bet on them to survive, but in hindsight it was sheer luck, and now I know even less where an "acceleration in sales" should come from (Currently being in New Zealand I notice that while their latest earnings call talks about successful worldwide "growth strategy", it does not mention that after 49 years they just shut down their business here).
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Author: Said   😊 😞
Number: of 577 
Subject: Re: Tupperware
Date: 04/10/2023 4:26 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 4
Just a follow-up on this thread:

CNN:Tupperware shares fell nearly 50%....... In a regulatory filing late Friday, the container maker said there's 'substantial doubt about the company's ability to continue as a going concern,' and that it's working with financial advisers to find financing to stay afloat.......... The New York Stock Exchange also warned that Tupperware's stock is in danger of being de-listed for not filing a required annual report.

Seems to be the end of an icon (half a century ago my mother in Germany did sell Tupperware).
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