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Personal Finance Topics / Macroeconomic Trends and Risks
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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 555 
Subject: Re: Control Panel: Increasing risk of stagflation
Date: 03/11/2025 8:39 AM
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I'm toying a little bit with lightening up a small amount on my BRK

If there’s a general market swoon (and there is, and will be) Berkshire will also take a hit, but it will be far smaller than the general market, and it will give the company the chance to deploy their massive cash hoard at (finally) reasonable valuations. I read (on the Berkshire board) that its beta is *far less* than the market (in this recent round, and basically forever) and is likely to survive any major downturn better than most any other.

I have major slugs of it in 3 separate accounts (main, my IRA and hers) and it’s the one thing I haven’t - and won’t - touch as the market crumbles.
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