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Author: lizgdal   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Trump and the economy
Date: 10/28/2024 11:02 PM
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Either the economy or U.S. democracy is the most important issue to many voters.

On the economy, Trump promises to:
T1. End inflation
T2. Make America affordable
T3. Make America the dominant energy producer
T4. Stop outsourcing

My thoughts.
T1. Inflation is already at the 2% target. Is Trump going to foolishly reduce the target to zero?

T2. Trump's plan for affordable housing is to deport people. Also, energy prices will be reduced by more than 50% somehow. The only certain ways are price controls (that lead to shortages) or subsidies. Sounds foolish to me.

T3. The U.S. is already the world's largest crude oil producer.

T4. The U.S. has successfully competed with other economies for years, and can continue to do so. Refusing to trade with others will only reduce our edge.

On the economy, Harris promises to:
Fight price gouging and enhance competition.
Build more housing to bring down housing costs.
Strengthen the middle class.
Promote entrepreneurship.

=== links ===
Economy Most Important Issue to 2024 Presidential Vote
"Now I am going to read a list of some of the issues that will probably be discussed in this year’s presidential election campaign. As I read each one, please tell me how important the candidates' positions on that issue will be in influencing your vote for president -- extremely important, very important, somewhat important or not important."
"Whereas 66% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independent voters rate the economy as extremely important to their presidential votes, far fewer Democratic and Democratic-leaning independent voters do (36%)."
"Whereas 58% of Democratic and Democratic-leaning independent voters rate U.S. democracy as extremely important to their presidential votes, far fewer Republicans and Republican-leaning independent voters do (39%)."

How Harris and Trump’s economic pledges stack up, October 25, 2024
"That said, there are significant differences in how the candidates propose to bring down prices across the economy. Trump wants to force companies into creating jobs on US soil. And Harris wishes to break down the power that some companies have amassed in the marketplace."

Harris Economic Plan 'Vastly Superior,' 23 Nobel Prize Winners Say, October 23, 2024
"A group of 23 Nobel Prize-winning economists released a letter Wednesday in which they expressed support for the policies proposed by Vice President Kamala Harris while warning that the policies of her opponent, former President Donald Trump, would be “counterproductive.”"

Twenty-Three Nobel Economists Sign Letter Saying Harris Agenda Vastly Better For U.S. Economy
"Harris’s economic agenda will improve our nation’s health, investment, sustainability, resilience, employment opportunities, and fairness and be vastly superior to the counterproductive economic agenda of Donald Trump. His policies, including high tariffs even on goods from our friends and allies and regressive tax cuts for corporations and individuals, will lead to higher prices, larger deficits, and greater inequality. Among the most important determinants of economic success are the rule of law and economic and political certainty, and Trump threatens all of these. By contrast, Harris has emphasized policies that strengthen the middle class, enhance competition, and promote entrepreneurship."
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