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Author: flightdoc 101   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Tlaib censured
Date: 11/09/2023 4:13 PM
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Your argument would have merit if the IDF actions at all fit the "mission statement" of eradication of Hamas. Not since WWII has there been such carpet bombing of civilians, and at that time there was truly an existential threat. The IDF is the 4th largest military in the world and Israel is NOT fighting for it's life. Where are the Seal Team equivalents performing surgical strikes? It is clear that Palestinian civilian casualties are of little concern to Israel's leaders. Witness the cruelty of cutting off water and power to starve the Gazan people of sustenance and medical care. How is this justifiable?

The consequences of the current actions, despite the rhetoric of the press releases, is needless cruelty and death with yet again displacement of Palestinians from, and destructions of their homes. It is inexcusable and it is a war crime, if this slaughter can be called a war. Hold Hamas responsible for their crimes, not the Palestinians at large.
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