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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Brookfield Corporation (BN)
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Author: rnam   😊 😞
Number: of 472 
Subject: Big payday for Brookfield
Date: 01/16/2025 8:29 AM
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Investors have piled into a bond and loan deal that will hand private equity giant Brookfield a huge $4.5bn dividend, overcoming fears from some money managers that Donald Trump could torpedo a tax break for the company issuing the debt.

The $5bn capital raise will be a boon to investors in Brookfield funds, given that private equity firms have struggled to exit investments and return cash to their limited partners over the past three years.
Brookfield’s investors, including CDPQ, will receive a total of $4.5bn in dividends from Clarios — about 1.6 times their original $2.9bn equity investment when they bought the company from industrial conglomerate Johnson Controls in 2019, according to people briefed on the matter.

https://www.ft.com/content/c9b9155b-c09e-485f-8c24... (subscription required)

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