No. of Recommendations: 2
Incidentally, I did try to negotiate a hypothetical deal denominated in bitcoin once, with some die hard coin fans, but got no response.
This is very interesting. It sounds like something close to an option (European style at first, and in the secondary thought experiment it is US style). In general, nobody will give away an option for free, they usually want to be paid something for it. And most of the time, the way they calculate what they want (need) to be paid for it is using volatility, interest rates, etc. The major difference in this case is that the option is denominated in a commodity rather than in a fiat currency. I haven't thought about it too deeply, but perhaps this could be modeled as some sort of combination of two options, one denominated in BRKA versus US$ and the other denominated in BTC versus US$? Maybe an actual value based on real market actions could even be determined!
I wonder if someone would have taken the deal if you offered some sort of option premium up front? Probably still not.