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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Advise and Consent in the Modern American Era
Date: 10/09/2024 2:40 PM
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Mr Whites Only Country Club Whitehouse - yes, respected figure on the left. I guess toe Club 401K that type of Club resembles most of their surroundings - lol.

Isn't it great that the Old School Senate is gone? Remember? That bowl that was to collect the boiling cup of tea from the Congress - and let the steam out? That antiquated civics stuff that used to be taught?

Oddly a majority of the Senators I miss (back when I didn't want punishment and mayhem) are Dems.

Bob Smith (R)
Fritz Holdings (D)
Paul Simon (D). (medicare reform....too late now)
Inhofe (R)
Paul Tsongas (D)
Bob Dole (R) - frustrating but yeah I count him on my list
Joe Biden (D)
Joe Lieberman (D) - back then the SandyLeeLee left were saying "go ned Lamont!" with certain undeSrertones which are now out and proud :)

Senator Moynihan (D) - respect him so much I can't even write his first name.

Bob Kerrey (D)

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) - met her twice, for hours over a business issue. And in other news - Gulf War Syndrome - she helped Ross Perot and together they made some progress.

Sam Nunn (D)

Perhaps a few more where names escape me.

Nowadays that institution is a plurality of idiots, dressed in Senator Drag.

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