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Author: sleepydragon   😊 😞
Number: of 12434 
Subject: Re: Occidental Petroleum
Date: 09/28/2024 10:47 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 7
“For example - The simple reason that I am bullish on Apple is its ecosystem. I don't agree with Buffett on footing a hefty tax bill to get out of Apple at this time (except that I would not know if he had other motivations). I am keen on BYD long term and also some other Chinese stocks at this price (even after such a big move last week).”

I think there’s a reason why US companies decided to invest billions to move suppliers out of China, and US govt is giving intels billions to build chip plants. These guys are spending real money. Imo, they have concrete information to make them spend such money.

Buffett is correct selling out of BYD and TSM, and Apple. The geopolitical will get a lot worse after election. I didn’t believe China will invade Taiwan, but increasingly I believe this will happen . In fact, China has claimed this will happen by 2027.
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