No. of Recommendations: 1
<< As it turns out I made a different choice and I am very happy with my decision because my portfolio has gained more by starting early than it would have by waiting. So be content with your decision but don't presume to insist that your decision works for everyone. Your presumption that I can't do better than the inflation-adjusted 8% that the SSA offers is incorrect. Insisting that I'm wrong doesn't change the outcome. >>
Whether you're happy or not about a decision doesn't change the math. There's a handful of people who funded their retirement with a Powerball ticket -- doesn't mean that's a good strategy for the rest of us.
You just happened to start SS at age 62 during a rising stock market. If you retired in 2008, you would have had a very different result.
There's a Stanford Physics PhD who retired at age 33 about the same time I did back in 1994. He believes the safe withdrawal rate from a retirement portfolio is North of 9% per year. That's Dave Ramsey territory. {{ LOL }}