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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Who will fight for you?
Date: 10/29/2024 12:26 PM
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The problem with that is the fact that Hamas is the duly elected government in Gaza and has received support from the UN and the international community for decades. During that time and with the $billions$ they've been allotted they've done exactly zero to build a better life for their people.

Hamas is a dictatorship. They haven't had an election in two decades.

Plus, there are (approximately) 14 million Palestinians. Only 2.2 million live in Gaza. There are more Palestinians living in the West Bank and within the boundaries of Israel than live in Gaza.

Hamas is horrific and deserves nothing. The Palestinian people are indigenous to the region and want the right to autonomy and self-determination as a people. Both of those things are true. Which is one of the many reasons why this is so complicated. It doesn't become uncomplicated simply because of the depredations of Hamas.
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