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Barack Obama and Joe Biden were both empty suit Presidents, both with gargantuan egos that neither had the savvy or skill to live up to.
Historians, or even just people with a brain who were alive, will remember that George Bush’s reign ended with an economic calamity the likes of which had not been seen since 1929. Millions out of work, hundreds of thousands of businesses bankrupt, Wall Street banks sold for pennies and local banks assimilated by the ever bigger ones, for sale signs on houses that wouldn’t and couldn’t be sold. And this after prosecuting a war for imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction in the only country in the Middle East that served as a check on Iranian power.
And somehow the “empty suit” Obama managed to calm the country, get the economy moving, and even pass a form of universal health care as was possible during the fragmented political era of the time. So much empty suit that he was re-elected over a Republican stalwart who had been in Congress since before Obama finished college.
The came Trump and the never-ending laugh line “Infrastructure Week”, which never happened, along with an assortment of horribles, including a tsunami of immigrants at the border, children being separated from parents, Natzi parades with “very good people”, the ongoing DEI hires (DonJr, Eric, and Ivanka), the chaotic response to the pandemic, the end of Iranian nuclear monitors and the projected end of NATO, and culminating in the attempted overthrow of the election of 2020.
Then came Biden, a reassertment of science over nonsense, an infrastructure bill which actually passed (over 50,000 projects now underway), a strengthening of the American economy - but not without downsides including inflation and a resurgent border crisis. All in all, not bad for a couple of “empty suits” who have had to clean up after two of the most disastrous Presidencies in modern history.