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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Debate WAS rigged but.....
Date: 09/18/2024 7:12 PM
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It was fun while it lasted.

Took me back a ways and I remembered when the family was at Fort Ord, CA. We kids were always running around in the scrub near home and would sneak over to the firing range and get the parachutes off the flares used during night firing. One time I spotted a rattler and threw some cement blocks on it to kill it. Took it home to Mom, who freaked, so we threw it over some large prickly bushes up the hill, then decided to have a ceremony, went into the bushes to dig a hole and uncovered an ammunition cache. We draped ourselves with belts of ammo and had some old smoke grenades. Reburied it all and swore everyone to secrecy - which lasted 5 minutes - then the MPs came and dug it up. My father put the rattler in a jar on his desk because they'd stopped ordering the anti-venom because no one saw any snakes and no rattlesnake bites.

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