No. of Recommendations: 22
The mistake people are making is that they have an uninformed opinion. If someone came on this board and asked what the difference between an A and B share is and then quickly stated that BRK is a scam and is going to zero ... how would you react? I may well be wrong about BTC, but people should educate themselves before expressing a strong opinion
Hmm, along the same lines, one should inform one's self about whether your audience has informed themselves before assuming and expressing the opinion that they haven't.
Just because someone very well informed has concluded that there is no merit in holding crypto assets most emphatically does NOT imply that they don't understand it.
I consider myself very well informed indeed--I have a solid comprehension of blockchains, crypto assset technology, and the monetary and business and implications. And (eww) the companies active in the sector. I have designed crypto investment schemes that have done pretty well in the last 6.5 years. I just have no interest in using them myself, because (as mentioned) I'm well informed.
For the price to continue going up, it requires the percentage rate of new participants (=speculators, basically) joining the bandwagon to exceed the percentage rate of new coin creation. That isn't a Ponzi scheme, but it's not 100.00% unlike a Ponzi scheme. It won't blow up without new speculators as a Ponzi scheme would, but the price rise trend will halt without an ongoing net increase in the number of speculators.
But I'm happy to post a well proven bitcoin timing/trading scheme if anybody is interested : )
Way higher returns and way lower risk than HODL, so far.