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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: The second American revolution
Date: 02/25/2025 5:20 PM
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bighairymike: So you think it should go unnoticed that girls are losing athletic scholarships to males and worse than that being forced to share showers, bath rooms, and locker rooms with males.

NCAA President Charlie Baker testified to a Senate committee in December that he is aware of fewer than 10 transgender athletes among the more than 500,000 student-athletes who compete in NCAA championship sports.

Fewer than 10 in a field of a half-million.

Is there a single example of a woman losing an athletic scholarship to a transgender athlete? Or being "forced" to share showers, bath rooms, and locker rooms with males?

Has there has been a bigger mountain made from a smaller mole hill? Trump has convinced his cult to despise the most marginalized individuals in society -- transgender and gay people, asylum seekers, and people of color -- while, at the same time, getting them to fondly embrace murderous dictators and enemies of freedom and democracy.

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