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Author: hclasvegas 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Are car insurence premiums rising ?
Date: 11/02/2024 7:18 AM
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wonder why?

" As Democrats swear up and down that crime across the country is under control, the data continues to prove them otherwise. This week it was Washington stolen vehicle data, which showed the number of cars stolen across the nation is steadily approaching the 1 million mark.

In fact, vehicle thefts jumped nearly 14% nationwide from 2020 to 2022, according to data by LendingTree and reporting by KOMO News.

In Washington, the data was clear. Thefts rose by over 65%, with Oregon seeing a 40% increase, placing both states among the top five nationwide. Three Washington cities—Kennewick, Bremerton, and Wenatchee—rank in the nation's top 10 for theft spikes, according to KOMO News.

The KOMO News report says that theft rates rose in 34 states, with Vermont leading. While theft impacts insurance rates, Washington’s rates remain 22% below the national average due to other balancing factors.

Rob Bhatt, LendingTree auto expert and insurance agent, commented: "We're talking about smaller places that we don't necessarily associate with big city problems like car thefts."


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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Are car insurence premiums rising ?
Date: 11/02/2024 8:45 AM
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hclasvegas: In fact, vehicle thefts jumped nearly 14% nationwide from 2020 to 2022, according to data by LendingTree and reporting by KOMO News.

According to Lending Tree vehicle thefts increased 17.4% between 2019 and 2021. That number looks bigger to me.

And according to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), in 2023 there were 1,020,729 stolen vehicles — up from 1,008,756 cars stolen in 2022, about a 1% increase.

In short, ZeroHedge is cherry picking data.

For example, according to FBI data, from 2022 to 2023 incident rates declined in the Midwest by 4.8% and the West by 7.3%.

Besides, when talking about crime statistics, it's always been pointed out here that vehicle thefts have not fallen in the same way other crimes have declined. We've never denied that.

Further complicating matters, from 2019 to 2023 more agencies began participating in the NIBRS so that the population covered by NIBRS reporting agencies increased by 79.7 percent.

One more thing: last I checked, this is the end of 2024, not 2022. But I guess by cherry-picking ZeroHedge could say there was a 14% increase (YIKES) instead of a 1% (MEH) increase in vehicle theft.


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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Are car insurence premiums rising ?
Date: 11/02/2024 9:23 AM
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Besides, when talking about crime statistics, it's always been pointed out here that vehicle thefts have not fallen in the same way other crimes have declined. - CO


declined? Surely someone as informed as yourself saw this reported somewhere.


FBI quietly revises crime statistics and reveals rise in violent crime
According to crimeresearch.org, the revised FBI statistics show a net increase of 1,699 more murders, 7,780 more rapes, 33,459 more robberies, and 37,091 more aggravated assaults from 2021 to 2022. Some figures from 2021 were decreased.

The increase was recorded despite the fact that data still weren't collected from some of the most violent precincts.

After the FBI changed the way it collects national crime data in 2021, some major police departments, such as those in New York City and Los Angeles, haven't turned over their crime data.

The FBI discloses now that its data are “based on data received from 13,719 of 19,268 law enforcement agencies in the country.”

The update is politically charged, as Democrats have liberally cited the previous numbers showing a decrease in crime as evidence that former President Donald Trump's and Republicans' concern over rising crime is false.

During the September presidential debate, Trump sparred with the moderator after the latter pointed to FBI statistics to show that violent crime had decreased for several years in a row, something the new statistics found to be definitively false.

... more at link
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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
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Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Are car insurence premiums rising ?
Date: 11/02/2024 1:28 PM
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Of course, there are two sides of the crime story that must be analyzed to make sense of any trend. There's the statutory and enforcement side... What acts are actually unlawful and how are local and federal governments funded to enforce those statutes? Then there's the opportunity side of the coin. How easy is a particular crime to commit and what's the risk/reward payoff?

During this period, as prices of "normal cars" skyrocketed due to a combination of legitimate shortages and greed / laziness on the part of manufacturers and dealers, a significant portion of the market became dominated by very inexpensive, poorly designed cars, several of which shared a major design flaw in their ignition system which made them child's play to steal, using only a USB thumb drive as a wedge to short out the ignition circuit and allow the car to be stolen without a key.

Kia and Hyundai are the most stolen vehicles in America, not necessarily because people want them, but because they are widely available and have this gaping design flaw. According to the statistics popped up by Google's AI, the theft rate on Kia and Hyundai models is 11.2 in 1000 as of 2023. That's up by a factor of 10 from 2020 before the flaw was shared on social media. In 2023, thefts of these top three vehicles totaled (48k + 43k + 30k) or 121,000 vehicles.

And remember, the insurance claims from this design flaw aren't limited to the Kia or Hyundai owner who had a window smashed as the thieves broke into the car or the damage to the car if the thieves wrecked it. Many of these cars were taken on dangerous joyrides through cities and neighborhoods at high speeds, colliding with other vehicles and property as well. The 121,000 indidents of theft actually reported likely triggered two or three times as many insurance claims for damages to other vehicles and property.

You cannot blame local law enforcement for THAT spike in crime. You can only blame parents and these two car makers.

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Author: MisterFungi 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Are car insurence premiums rising ?
Date: 11/03/2024 10:21 AM
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<<FBI quietly revises crime statistics and reveals rise in violent crime...>>

Once again, a small fact blown all out of proportion to support a big lie, as expected from the "Washington Examiner" (which your MSN link goes to). Yes, the figures were revised as new data came in. That's a routine occurrence. No, violent crime is not higher now than it was under Trump. Details here:

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