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Author: weco   😊 😞
Number: of 14 
Subject: M2 Mini Sound output?
Date: 11/30/2024 12:58 PM
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In my setup of an M2 Mac Mini a while back, I initially had a set of the clear harman-pardon speakers, through the headphone jack output. But then it seemed to quit so I bought a mine sounder that lives under the monitor screen, worked fin, but at times the sound vanishes, it I switch to the Mini's internal (tinny) speaker, I can verify the sound is there in, say, a YouTube, but not on the soundbar where it belongs! So now I think the old harman-pardon speakers are OK, that it must be a setting, or maybe the headphone jack on the mini..

So the question is, has anyone else had this problem?

TIA, weco
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