No. of Recommendations: 7
Buffett has been quoted on the fact that hurricane occurrence has been stable to declining over the last several decades.It might be problematic to post this, but on this issue there is a very interesting 1:20h documentary:
"CLIMATE - THE COLD TRUTH" --- THE DOCUMENTARY MOVIE, because it's against what is nowadays the mainstream narrative. When a good friend recommended I should watch it I was extremely sceptical, but must admit I was impressed. It's definitely not something that can easily be brushed off as BS by crazy conspiracy theorists. It's about interviews with a winner of the Nobel price in Physics, with the former vice-president of Caltech and other eminent (mostly) physicians.
I was so impressed by them clearly having very good points that do not comply with the usual narrative that I spend many hours afterwards researching and reading arguments and counter-arguments between them and their scientific antagonists - which I found do also have very good points.
Not being an expert I don't dare say this side is right, or that side. But my digging deeper led me to one definite conclusion: That climate science today is not "scientific" (anymore), is polluted, with voices not agreeing with the mainstream not only being ignored but being suppressed. For example it was shocking for me to find out that on a website for discussions among scientists highly reputable scientists which do not agree with the narrative (and are brushed off as "Deniers") are blacklisted and unable to post there.
I don't want to ignite a political or ideological debate (wrong board), but that mentioning of hurricanes reminded me on this documentary.