No. of Recommendations: 15
The facts of the matter is that Trump had a run of 4 relatively peaceful years where he crushed ISIS and there were no major conflicts around the world.
Can Harris say the same thing?Nope. But Harris had a run with no new global epidemics, and Trump can't say the same thing either. You won't find that compelling, of course - but it's the same point. Most of what happens in the world is not affected by who the U.S. President is at the moment. Whether one has a run of relatively peaceful years is largely due to factors other than the actions of the President.
You keep hammering this point, but a) polling wise she's...exactly where Biden was before the debate and b) your gratitude should go to Dave Plouffe and the Obama team, who are now running her campaign.You keep saying that, but Harris had to do a
lot of work to keep the coalition together and manage the transition away from Biden's people into Chavez Rodriguez' team (no, David Plouffe is not running her campaign). And manage all of the many stakeholders - and manage ObamaWorld as well, to make sure they backed her and not any of the other alternatives.
She's done a
stellar job.
Oh, BTW, she's not running where Biden was. Before the debate, Biden was consistently trailing Trump; since the convention, Harris has been consistently leading him. In a deeply polarized country and running from the same Administration, that's a pretty impressive job
as candidate to pull of starting from a dead standstill. it did not. She refused to answer any questions, took no positions, and just repeated talking points. What does "opportunity economy" mean? Where were details of her proposals?They're right next to the details of Donald Trump's health care plan. :)
Seriously, that's part of being a good debater and thinking on your feet. The moderator asks you a question, or your opponent attacks you - what's the best response to give in that moment? Do you answer the question that was asked? If not, how do you pivot away to something you
do want to talk about? What attacks by your opponent do you respond to in the moment, what attacks do you ignore? What statements of
his do you attack, and what statements do you let slide?
Harris handled all of that masterfully. Trump was atrocious. He made almost all the wrong decisions - counterattacking Harris on points that he should have ignored, failing to respond to questions that he should have answer (he pivoted away from an
immigration question for goodness' sakes!),