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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
No. of Recommendations: 10
“The buck stops here.” Harry S Truman
“I wasn’t responsible for security.” Donald J. Trump
An utterly disqualifying debate performance by a 78 year-old narcissistic psychopath. Unhinged.
My concern now is that he’ll be literally fighting for his life. He wouldn’t last a week in prison. He will stop at nothing. He’s already demonstrated that. Or perhaps he’ll flee the country?
No. of Recommendations: 0
Agree, buck stops here.
Dead Russians, Dead Ukrainians - Democrat America raking in the defense profits.
Oddly, today is the anniversary of comeuppance for interventionist foreign policy.
I wonder what you people will be lighting candles for next time around.
But hey, "BUCK STOPS HERE".....
JAN 2025 ONWARDS.... - enjoy......
No. of Recommendations: 4
Fungi:He [Trump] wouldn’t last a week in prison.
He won't get normal prison if that happens. He'll get Hotel prison - where he gets better food, internet, TV, golf practice (but no golf), and conjugal visits from Melania - or the new wife that rotates in.
No. of Recommendations: 1
Or perhaps he’ll flee the country?
That would probably be the smart thing to do. Move his liquid assets before they can be frozen, and flee to a non-extradition country. He is scheduled to be sentenced for the crimes he has already been convicted, and he has more pending criminal trials.
But I'm not sure he's that smart. I freely admit I'm not a professional, but I think he really believes the facade he has built around himself. Yes, he's a conman. But I think he believes his own con, probably aided by some level of dementia. In which case, he'll act on his beliefs and continue to deny responsibility for anything, proclaim his victory in 2020 (and 2024, whether he actually wins or not), obsess about revenge, and just be the person he has shown the world for the past 8 years.