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Author: rayvt 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 3320 
Subject: Re: question for Jim
Date: 02/26/2025 11:40 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 10
I think it's this one:


1) Universe of Large Cap stocks. Suggested: ValueLine stocks with timeliness rating (about 1400).
Used here: Russell 1000 (large caps) + S&P 400 (mid caps)
2) (optional) Only those stocks that have a dividend.
3) (Recommended) The 50% of the stocks closest to their 52-week high.
4) Rank by ROE, take the top 33% of them
5) Compute NetCash as "Cash & short-term investments" minus "long term debt". This is enterprise total, not per share.
6) Rank by NetCash. Take the 40 with the highest NetCash.
7) Re-evaluate every 1-2 months. Sell any stock that is not in the top 45. (40 HTD 45)

The stated rationale for step 5 is that a large stock with a lot of ready cash is unlikely to blow up.

Note that when discarding stocks that do not pay a dividend (step 2) there are fewer than 40 stocks

Two quick comments:
* That last statement sounds wrong?
Are you requiring the [cash - debt] value to be positive in addition to merely sorting on it?
Based on my testing from the VL universe, if I start with top 1157 by market cap to match your universe size and keep
the optional "50% closest to 52 week high" step there I see on average 115 stocks eligible for the final step.
That's a lot more than 40, so you might have a glitch.
It should be 1/3 of 1/2 of the number of dividend payers.

* the step 3 is a recently invented tweak of mine, not part of the original screen. Not sure if it was mentioned before.
For those following the evolution of the screen it might seem anomalous.


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