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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Maduro
Date: 09/07/2024 8:26 PM
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Maduro has insisted he won the election in Venezuela, when the estimates are that he got 20-30% of the votes, with voting data not made available. Argentina took the lead yesterday and requested the ICC issue an arrest request for Maduro for crimes against humanity(killing 23 protesters etc.). Venezuela revoked Brazil's representation of Argentina which places 6 anti government Venezuelans who ran the successful campaign against Maduro at risk who are holed up in the Argentinian ambassador's residence - military vehicles stationed just outside the residence.

So we may get to see the arrest and imprisonment of those who ran campaigns against him. Watch for this.

Magalli Meda, the former campaign chief of opposition leader María Corina Machado, was among a half-dozen government opponents who fled to the Argentina ambassador’s residence after Maduro’s chief prosecutor issued an order for her arrest in March for allegedly propagating destabilizing political violence. SNIP

Both Brazil and Argentina (and other countries) do not recognize Maduro as the winner of the election.
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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Maduro
Date: 09/07/2024 9:39 PM
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That's what our convicted felon tried to do, also.

When you said "other countries", I'm surprised you didn't mention the US. We have officially recognized the challenger as the winner (as of Aug 1, last I knew). The question is whether or not Maduro can be forced to accept the results, or if he has the support to stage a military coup.
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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Maduro
Date: 09/07/2024 10:04 PM
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When you said "other countries", I'm surprised you didn't mention the US. We have officially recognized the challenger as the winner (as of Aug 1, last I knew). The question is whether or not Maduro can be forced to accept the results, or if he has the support to stage a military coup.

I've talked previously about the US - we are the reason the election occurred. Why would Maduro need to stage a military coup? He's President, the oligarchy seems to be happy with him, and the military is on Maduro's side, full of people he put in there. The question to me right now, is - will Maduro let those 6 people leave the country, or will he arrest and imprison them?

We haven't reinstated the sanctions we lifted to get the election. What's interesting is the Argentinian government is far right wing, and they're leading the charge against Maduro. Good move to let other countries run this part, it will probably go nowhere and we'll be urged to reinstate the sanctions.
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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Maduro
Date: 09/07/2024 10:25 PM
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Maybe I used the wrong phrasing. To me, if you lose an election and then use illegal means to attain/maintain power, that is a "coup".

A resumption of sanctions may be in order.
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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Maduro
Date: 09/08/2024 10:17 AM
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Maybe I used the wrong phrasing. To me, if you lose an election and then use illegal means to attain/maintain power, that is a "coup".

A resumption of sanctions may be in order.

Correct, but I think that occurred in the prior election, so he's already in office illegally. What you describe is a self coup.

There also was an unsuccessful coup attempt by disaffected Venezuelan military living in neighboring countries. I use coup here for lack of a better word in my vocabulary.

So we were at a stalemate with Maduro, and we negotiated to get free and clear elections. We recognized the sanctions weren't working and people were fleeing the country and coming to the USA because of how bad it was there. I haven't read it, but I think it was an attempt to alleviate conditions causing Venezuelans to show up at our border that were caused by the sanctions.

Maduro had bad faith and the opposition leader was prohibited from running, so she used a surrogate. Her surrogate won the election according to the exit polls. Removing the sanctions does appear to have stopped the exodus from the country.

If we reinstate the sanctions, people will start fleeing again and we have changed our border policy. It looks like we made a "right way" to apply for asylum the made crossing our southern border except in a couple of spots the "wrong way". It appears if you do it the wrong way, we can prohibit you from reapplying the "right way" at times and I'm not sure what "times" those are. Fuzzy here.

I think Argentina is trying to get the momentum going for Maduro to step aside, or his ouster, and he would have to be weak for that to happen. he's not weak - yet.

Gotta run. :)

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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Maduro
Date: 09/08/2024 1:35 PM
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I haven't read it, but I think it was an attempt to alleviate conditions causing Venezuelans to show up at our border that were caused by the sanctions. = Lambo


Why is it that you make the USA the bad guy here. It is like the mean ol' USA inflicted sanctions causing people to leave as if living under a socialist dictator was acceptable except for those damn sanctions.

Living under a dictator is reason enough to get out. They can't realistically fight back since their guns were confiscated long ago.
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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Maduro
Date: 09/08/2024 2:12 PM
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Why is it that you make the USA the bad guy here. It is like the mean ol' USA inflicted sanctions causing people to leave as if living under a socialist dictator was acceptable except for those damn sanctions.

Living under a dictator is reason enough to get out. They can't realistically fight back since their guns were confiscated long ago.

I didn't make the USA into a bad guy, that's you. You seem to not understand the effects of the sanctions over a period of time can have unintended and adverse effects.

And no, living under a dictatorship doesn't have to have those effects. Singapore was considered a benign dictatorship by the Brits, and still is, AFAIK. See any fleeing there? No.

So it's BAD (non-benign) dictatorships coupled with bad economic strife - maybe partly caused by sanctions - with no end in sight, where fleeing seems like a great idea.

Even Stalin was remembered fondly when times get bad, so there are some dictators that the people like, even if they do horrible things, and more than just Stalin. That's just the way it is.

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