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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: ActBlue, on its last legs?
Date: 03/12/2025 7:12 PM
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Barack Obama pioneered turning off the AVS system for credit cards so he could hide foreign donations and Act Blue has certainly carried the torch:

ActBlue only began requiring safeguards such as a card verification value, or CVV, following heightened scrutiny late last year. These are “standard procedures to guard against identity theft and fraud,” according to the letter.

When I was overseas, I was happy when the the company didn't require my US address (I'd have to look it up), and ccv was only needed for a limited number of transactions. It's a quantum leap to jump from not getting an address or requiring CCV to terrorist funding, money laundering, but Act Blue should require it because Dems have to be Lilly white while MAGA can be as corrupt as they wanna be.

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