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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Who will fight for you?
Date: 10/29/2024 2:48 PM
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Hamas is doing horrific things, but those horrific things don't - and can't - be attributed to the Palestinian people as a whole, because they have no role whatsoever in the governance or decision making of Hamas.

History rhyming here...I know of a government that was elected legitimately (just like Hamas), and then quickly evolved into a dictatorship that canceled democracy (like Hamas). The Palestinian people elected Hamas, just as the German people elected the NAZI party. So would you say that the horrific things can't be attributed to the German people as a whole because they had no role in the decision making (after being stupid enough to elect the NAZI party)?

I tend to side with the "you get the government you deserve" if you have a democracy. You vote in autocrats, terrorists, or crazies, that is on you. If they take away your vote, well, you gave them the power to do that. So I can't really excuse the German people (of the 1930s...not the people of the 2020s), nor the Palestinian people. Granted, most of the Palestinians alive today have never voted in an election (and, so, did not vote Hamas).

This does not negate my objection to Israeli "settlements", and their general treatment of the Palestinians.
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