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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Clarence Thomas's $4 Million Grift
Date: 06/08/2024 2:42 PM
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Since 2004, US Supreme Court justices have received about $5 million in gifts. Justice Clarence Thomas accounted for nearly all of it: about $4.7 million of the $5 million.

According to the data compiled by Fix the Court, since 2004, Thomas has accepted $4,042,286, or 193 gifts. The group reported that, for Thomas, there’s an additional 126 “likely but not confirmed gifts.”

Of the nearly 200 gifts, the group said Thomas only reported 27 of the gifts on his financial disclosures.

Imagine for a minute if RGB had taken nearly $5 million in gifts and had reported a little more than ten percent of them. Republicans literally would never stop talking about it.

Thomas said he was unable to understand a clear and simple instruction on a disclosure form.


In fairness, words are hard.

Plus, it's highly unlikely he'd have anyone he could turn to for advice.

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