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Author: ptheland 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Harris on abortion
Date: 10/29/2024 2:42 PM
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but Roe already allowed BOTH of those things (both 3rd tri and 2nd tri restrictions). Yet, reinstating Roe would still be a good thing overall.

Yes. Roe was a compromise. It was good in that it clearly allowed some abortions. But it was imperfect, as are most laws and judicial interpretations of the law. Is it better than the current situation? I would argue that it is. And I suspect that is Harris' point. She'd like to get Roe back because, while imperfect, it is better than both the pre- and now post-Roe eras.

Of course, we're never getting Roe back. We will need some other pathway to legalize abortion across the country. That could be a national law, or a constitutional amendment, or state-level action in the states that are currently restricting abortion.

If I had my druthers, I'd like a combination of a nearly wide-open access to abortion legally, and combine that with updated guidance in the medical code of ethics that helps doctors decide when abortions should and should not be performed.

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