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Author: Aussi 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12539 
Subject: Re: Warren’s flashing signal
Date: 03/29/2024 6:40 PM
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n 2001, the Buffett indicator was the ratio of the size of the US market to the against the US economy, Since that time, US companies earnings from foreign sources has soared. ...Revenues from foreign sources - about 40%

The number is very large, but it's not really right to say that it has soared lately. It has been a big number for a very long time. Working from memory, ex-US revenues of large US firms were on the order of 1/3 even 50 years ago.

Exact numbers are hard to come by. Approximately in the last 20 years, world GDP has tripled, US gdp had doubled and foreign revenue for SP 500 has doubled (from various internet sources but none consistent with each other). Seems reasonable considering 2002, the US was importing 4M barrels of oil a day at $50/bbl and is now exporting 3.8M B/day at $70/bbl, Apple etc.

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