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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
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Number: of 41530 
Subject: Re: Priorities
Date: 10/28/2024 11:09 AM
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All I'm saying is that Harris has failed to effectively communicate what her economic agenda would be.


I think priorities for countering the economic problems all of these -- ahem -- "sophisticated" voters see HAVE been evident, both in terms of things Harris has spoken about repeatedly in the campaign and as a function of actions pursued by the current Biden Administration.

1) INFLATION - Going after monopolies that have been proven to jack up prices far beyond what was driven by labor and supply spikes during COVID.

2) PAY SUPPRESSION - The DOJ filed lawsuits against major tech companies conspiring for years to suppress hiring competition between them to avoid a "bidding war" for tech talent, thus depriving employees of legitimate competition for their skills which, according to a "free market" so beloved by conservatives, would have driven their incomes significantly higher rather than stalling with typical 3% growth.

3) UNIONIZATION - The Biden Administration did NOT interfere with existing unions attempting to use their legitimate collective bargaining power to win contract improvements and big "catch-up" contract changes. The Biden Administration literally WALKED THE PICKET LINE with UAW workers to demonstrate its support for labor and its efforts to secure better pay and working conditions which trickle down to ALL workers by enforcing "floors" in wage rates and work rules.

4) MEANINGFUL PENALTIES - As part of covering her biography, Harris has made it clear that when big companies do wrong to workers or society, government will not settle for mere slaps on the wrist that leave those harmed without meaning compensation and do nothing to change incentives for executives to avoid similar criminality in the future. She clawed back many more BILLIONS to her state of California from fraudulent banks who triggered the financial meltdown than would have been the case had anyone else been in her position.

5) ANTI-TRUST - The Biden Administration, guided in large part by FTC Chair Lina Khan, has been much more aggressive at pursuing anti-trust cases against giant monopolies whose market abuses are harming businesses of all sizes and contributing to data breaches that harm millions of individuals as tech firms leverage petabytes of data to implement unlawful price discrimination that raises prices. One notable example includes FTC efforts to counteract software being used by hundreds of landlords to automate the process of raising rents negotiated for new leases on a continuous basis, triggering a faster upward spiral in rents paid by Americans in every major city.

America has easily had the best recovery and softest landing of any major industrialized economy in the post-COVID era. Americans may not want to hear that when they still see vast inequities in the economy before them. However, those inequities have resulted from DECADES of misguided coddling of giant tech firms that have allowed our newest economic drivers to be dominated by monopolies. This has stifled competition in the most impactful sectors of the economy. Those problems have been worsened by a complete lack of anti-trust enforcement as part of a misguided assumption on MANY Americans' part that we shouldn't choke off these big American companies that are leading the tech world or we'll lose leadership to the Chinese or the Russians or Oceana. It's always good if these lead tech firms are "doing well", right? No, it's not. If they are "doing well" by "doing us" and concentrating 99% of the wealth being generated into the hands of CEOs with distinctly anti-democratic, anti-competitive preferences, economic inequity will get far worse and those with all that money will find more ways to interfere with the freedoms of the rest of us.

For the first time in FORTY YEARS, the Biden/HARRIS Administration is actually applying the right regulatory forces via the right tools to the "appropriate tools" in the economy that have made the economy so inequitable. The biggest problem is the average "sophisticated" voter who thinks that no message has been communicated doesn't understand enough about the underlying economic forces to see where the damage is coming from and how these efforts are actually more effective at solving those problems than giving more tax cuts to billionaires.

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